Les Étaques
independent publishing collective

without ads and pitiless

chronicles of la brique, free and independent newspaper in lille

Journal La Brique

july 30th 2021




In the shadow of the daily news mediocrity grow alternative newspapers often unknown from a large public. Facing news companies more interested by profits rather than information, those newspapers claim editorial freedom, financial independence and are distinguished often by an horizontal organization and a strong thinking about journalistic writing.
Their format fluctuate from a magazine to a newspaper and their frequency of publication can as well be monthly or annually. Their financial stabililty relies only on their readers and the direct sells they make in kiosks.All of them suggest another way of thinking the world, of doing politics together, and criticize vividly the mass media speeches.
This book is a non exhaustive descent into the work of the newspaper from Lille La Brique, which defies since numerous years the socialist power established in this northern city, claiming a free press « Without ads & pitiless ».


La Brique is a militant newspaper from Lille created in 2007, self-financing and managed horizontally, which defends a vision of journalism going against the one of dominant media. Its collective claims to fight against all forms of domination, and struggles against the invasion of our spaces by the capital. Its ambition is to provide a solid and high-quality content to develop social critic and counter-culture. The newspaper is published every three month and is only conceived by militant volunteers.

In the medias

Rencontre avec Lud (La Brique) et Cédric (éditions les Etaques) autour de "Sans pub et sans pitié - quatorze années d’un journal libre et indépendant à Lille", Radio PFM, dans le cadre du salon du livre d’expression populaire et de critique sociale, march 3rd 2021.

« La Brique », Du bout des livres, RCV, june 8th 2021.

« Florent Grouazel - Sans pub et sans pitié ! », Babelio, june 25th 2021.

« L’empaillé et La Brique et des éditions les Étaques - Sans pub et sans pitié ! », , canalsud, november 23rd 2021.